Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Healthy & Tasty...Does it Really Exist?

"I come from a family where gravy is considered a beverage"

- Erma Bombeck    

So I've (Renae) began a new "healthy" eating regime.  It sucks!  Ok, not all the time, but geeze, ugh!  Why does most of the stuff that is considered healthy, like eating dirt.  It's put me on a new endeavor.  I am going to start looking for recipes that taste delicious, not just ok, but really good tasting healthy food.  The truth is if I have to keep eating like this, I'm going to stay fat!  It's like they (the health nuts of the world) have decided that if it's healthy it has to taste like cardboard.  If you are a health food nut, you will not convince me that you actually think the food tastes good.

The Chinese & Japanese believe that food is like a medicine.  When the people in these cultures get sick they don't seek out the doctors first, they first seek out a nutritionist.  They believe in balance in every area of your life.  Now I know eating right can make a huge difference in how you feel.  But come one, at least the Chinese & Japanese have good tasting food.  They also believe that hot foods & beverages help with digestion.  This is one reason they drink hot tea at the end of their meals.

What spurred this endeavor, on this day?  Oatmeal!  Yep, I had oatmeal this morning.  I realize a lot of people actually like oatmeal.  I don't, I try and I just don't like the texture (mushy) or the flavor.  I even tried the "flavored" oatmeal. 

...So begins my new endeavor...

GREAT tasting food that is lower in calories but also healthy.  

My first goal is to look for breakfast foods that don't make me want to gag.  These seem to be the most difficult, at least for me.  I do LOVE smoothies, but sometimes you want something to eat, not drink.  I mean, I'm a chef, I like food.   I don't want to drink all of my calories. 

As I find or create new recipes I will share with everyone.  I am hoping that some of you will also try them and tell me what you think.  I do want honest opinions.  Because I would also like to create a cookbook with all of this information in it.  I am looking to create recipes that don't call for the highly expensive "health foods" that you often find.  I want to be able to create delicious, savory meals with regular items, not a bunch of specialty items.  I want to loose weight, but I don't want to have to sell my arm to do it.  This may require some serious creativity...we will see how I do.

So check back, you never know when the first recipe may appear.

"You better cut the pizza in four pieces because 

I'm not hungry enough to eat six"

- Yogi Berra                  

Monday, December 3, 2012

Failure or Success?

"Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable"

- Coco Chanel

Wow...have I really stepped away since the middle of October?!?!  YES, yes I have.  For that I am sorry.  I knew when Tiffiny and I started this journey it wouldn't be easy breezy lemon squeezy, but man, I was hoping for some divine inspiration I mean a divine move that would push past my procrastinating tendencies and excuse making abilities.  I realize, that means stomping all over my...will!   

I have to make a choice.  I am apparently going to have to make this choice on a daily, probably a minute by minute basis.  At least until it becomes habit, then a lifestyle.

"I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"

 - Thomas A. Edison

What can you learn from my public failure to complete my goals in my allotted time?  YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  Don't give up! I'm not giving up.  Anytime I slack or completely stop working toward my intended goal.  I have to re-direct myself.  This may happen a lot before it clicks and sticks.  I have to give myself a pep talk.  Make sure it's a positive pep talk.  Don't get down on yourself, you'll only feel worse.  Just tell  yourself what's done is done, you can't go back and change it.  Just start fresh right now, today, this very moment, and move on.  You may have to tell yourself this everyday for will sink in.

“You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It wont happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.” 

- Joel Osteen

So how have I picked myself up this time.  I have started a new diet. Let me clarify, I'm not saying diet as in loosing weight diet, although I'm hoping it does that.  I say diet as in the way I eat, a lifestyle.  This lifestyle has me eating 5 small meals a day. Now, this takes planning on my part.  I am planning my meals for the week and by each day.  Then I have to actually prepare them so they are ready to go when I need them.  I have calculated the number of calories I could consume to maintain my current weight.  Seriously? why would I change anything if that was my purpose...but I digress.  From that I can calculate what I need to consume to loose weight, along with working out.  Tonight starts a new workout for me...INSANITY.  Yes, I dare!  I am a little bit afraid and a lot excited.  I need something that is going to jump start my weight loss.  That is what will motivate me.

"Success is stumbling from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."

-Winston Churchill

Just one last thing to remind you of before I go....


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Impossible or I'm Possible

I wasn't sure what I wanted to post today.  I haven't really made any new goals, I'm just trying to successfully work out the goals I've already set for myself, while being consistent.

I've thought about my goals and how well or not so well I've managed to do with them.  Sometimes I feel like I've done great, other days...not so much.  When Tiffiny and I started this blog my purpose was to, hopefully, help encourage someone, but to also hold myself accountable.  It's easy to say, I'm going to do (fill in the blank), to yourself....then when it doesn't happen, it's no big deal.  But, when you vocalize that goal to another person then you have accountability.   Whether they ever ask you a question about it or not...there is always the chance they will. NO ONE wants to tell someone else...No I did not succeed at that.  However, what I have come to realize for myself was that although I've started this blog, I haven't stated any goals in regards to my actual weight loss.

"In everything the ends well defined are the secret of durable success." 

Victor Cousins

I'm not going to tell you what I weight, so get that thought out of your head.  Maybe once I've lost the weight I'll tell you what I started at...but, not yet.  I will set some goals and deadlines for myself, here, today!  I will tell  you, that I don't want to set these goals and deadlines.  Why?  uhh...because then I actually have to work toward attaining them.  Now, you are going to know what they are and if I have succeeded.  <<Ohhh, the pressure>>  It's really just because I've been too lazy to make myself work any harder at it.  I could say it's too hard, it's genetics, I'm too old, or my personal favorite...I'm too busy.  those are all just excuses and I believe those who read this are smarter than that and would probably just roll their eyes at me anyway.  This is not to say that those things don't have some effect.  Yes, it can be hard.  Hard is not impossible.  Yes, genetics can play a factor into weight gain and/or loss.  Genetics does not equal impossible.  And, yes, age can have an effect on how quickly we are able to lose weight.  But, again, age does not equal impossible. I'm not even going to touch the, "I'm busy", because we all know that's a load of crappola.

The following is my self motivation speech for today...

IMPOSSIBLE  = I'M POSSIBLE  This means, the you, that you want to be and see is possible! (yes, I just made that up myself).  Stop holding yourself back.  Get that body that you want.  Geeze, you're not afraid to go after other things you want. So why are you holding yourself back with the weight!?!?  STOP IT!  You are more than able to do what you set your mind SET YOUR MIND TO IT AND DO IT!!!  My word girl, if you can stay up until 2am working on a cake or catering and then get up at 5:30 and go to work. Then, I'm pretty sure you can move your butt to do a piddly 20 minute workout...or gasp...a 45 minute workout.

Don't give up!!!!  Don't Slack off!!! 


Be Great...because you are GREAT!


     Goal Date:                    Goal:                                  Reward:
December 30 (30 Days)              Loose 10 lbs (10lb total)                Purchase a Kindle Book
January 30     (60 Days)              Loose 10 lbs  (20lb Total)              Purchase Curtains for my Living Room
February 28 (90 Days)                Loose  10 lbs (30 lb Total)             Purchase Moon Photo for Bedroom
March 30    (120 Days)              Loose 10 lbs  (40 lb Total)             Vegas trip
April 30 (150 Days)                   Loose 10 lbs (50 lb Total)               New Clothes (mini shopping spree)
May 30  (180 Days)                   Loose 10 lbs (60 lb Total)               Keyboard (piano)
June 30 (210 Days)                    Loose 10 lbs (70 lb Total)               Kitchen Remodel/Spa Weekend

I will weigh myself once a month. I've also measured and can tell you inches lost.  I usually go by how my clothes fit.  My goal is a size 8.  I'm not sure how many pounds it will take to get there but if I get there before May 17, 2013...I will just have to combine rewards.  I will not allow myself to purchase any of the rewards until I have met my goal.  I realize that some of them are "small" rewards but if I wait to purchase them until I've reached the goal then they will feel BIG!

Feb 17 will be a mile stone goal.  I will have reached a weight that I haven't seen in about 12 years.  Everything after that will be...gravy (which I won't eat...LOL)!

"In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia."



Monday, October 8, 2012

No More Excuses...I hope!

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit."
 So, I (Renae) didn't do so well last week.  That's not to say that I blew it big time.  I did NOT, however, exercise, at all!  While reflecting on my week, I thought...I had a lot going on.  I work two jobs, clean a house, run my own catering and cakes business and go to school.  Besides working my two jobs, cleaning job, and school, I had a catering event and a cake to do.  My week started off a day short.  I went to my sisters in Indiana for a few days.  I got home Monday evening.  On my way home I received a call to cater a wedding rehearsal dinner for Friday night.  Then I had to bake and decorate a cake for Saturday, before work.

On a typical day I get up by 7:00 (at the latest), I get ready, then go.  I usually get home anywhere between 7:00 and 8:00, then I have to take care of the homework, and housework.  When I have caterings I usually don't finish until 11:00 or 12:00.  

Now those may seem like excuses to you...well they are.  I realized that I stay fairly busy all time. I try to have at least one day a week where I don't have to do a lot.  It's important to me that I have at least one day a week to just chill out and decompress.  That doesn't mean I haven't done anything but I usually try to get to bed a little earlier that night and I allow myself to chill out and not do much for a couple of hours.  This day usually happens on Sunday.

EXCUSES!  that's what I had for myself all week.  Last week really wasn't any different that any other week.  I have got to stop making excuses when things start piling up and I start going non-stop.  I have a business that I want to be busy.  Right now I'm only doing a 20 minute work out...seriously?!?!?!  Can I not manage to fit that into my busy schedule?  Sure I can.  It's about making it a priority.  I haven't really made it a priority or I would have done it.   I also found that my water drinking went by the way side when I got super and tea were my sustenance.  I did succeed on not eating the entire candy bowl at work.  I stayed within my four fun size bar limit.  WOOHOO SUCCESS...hey I'll take the joy in success wherever I can!

NO MORE EXCUSES!  It is so easy to fall into those old habit's (there is that word again) when things start getting busy, stress starts picking up or when my well laid plans get foiled by a surprise, distraction, or someone else not being able to fall in line with my plans (I mean really, everyone should know that I have a plan and you should just do it my way and make my life easier...pssst...that's a joke).  But let's face it, something always comes ups or happens that could easily derail my plans.  I have to roll with it and re-arrange the program, NOT KICK IT TO THE WAYSIDE.  Just for those of you who don't know me...I'm a planner... I'm also a little OCD (this is a self diagnosis) and when I have a plan of how things should go...I don't like for that plan to change!


These are new HABITS, that I am working on.  I knew it wouldn't be easy but I didn't really think about how frustrating it can be!

My challenge to well as myself 
(ok...especially  myself)

"Mens best successes come 
after their dissapointments"
Henry Ward Beecher

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

To Goal or Not To Goal (Renae)


I have to recognize that I did not fully meet my goals this week.  That will not keep me from continuing to pursue them.  Habits are formed in 21 days.  I have some bad ones for over 20 years. This is why I take baby steps.  It's doesn't feel like a huge failure.  It's just a misstep.  We just get right back on the path and keep going.

"Whatever you do give 100%...unless your giving blood"
Goal 1: To eat breakfast everyday...I have done that although not the healthiest breakfast.  I have been having a junior breakfast burrito from Sonic.  I don't think a breakfast burrito would be bad, so long as I make it myself.  So that is my goal...make my own breakfast.

"I really don't have time for people who don't find me hilarious"

Goal 2:  Drink 5 glasses of water a day...  I have good days and bad days.  I do much better when I am working from home.  When I have to go to the office, I don't do nearly as well.  I'm not sure why.  So I am still working on goal 2, this one may take me a while to get down....habits and all that.

Goal 3:  Work out on a regular basis.  I have actually done pretty well with this, however, my goal is to work out even on the days Tiffiny and I don't meet.  I want to workout 6 days a week.

The first part of this week (I know it's only been two days) has been rough. I did workout last night and we are working out tonight.  It's these kinds of days that I would normally say screw it, I'm to tired from the work stress, I just need to decompress.  AKA...planting my butt on the couch and watching TV.

If I can encourage  you with one thing this week, it would be to keep on going.  This is another good reason to start with baby steps.  If you get off track you won't feel as bad. 

As you succeed in your goals please share them with us.  We want to rejoice with you in your success.  We want to see you succeed!  Just remember...YOU ARE FABULOUS

"Keep your thoughts positive because they become

                                                                                     Your Words
Keep your words positive because they become 
                                                                                     Your Behavior
Keep your behavior positive because they become 
                                                                                     Your Habits
Keep your Habits positive because they become 
                                                                                     Your Values
Keep your values positive because they become 
                                                                                     Your Destiny"
Mahatma Ghandi

Friday, September 21, 2012

This is Tiffiny - My Fitness Goals

Hi Everybody!  

We are in "Week 3" of our Zumba journey already!  This is SO EXCITING for me!!!

STEPS STATUS:  Our learning curve of the steps keeps getting "better and better"...AND for the first time in years...
I am breaking a sweat and it feels GREAT!!!!!!!!

I also wanted to share My Fitness Goals with you. They are pretty simple.  I'm focusing on 4 things...and 4 things only:

1. Working out 4 times a week doing Zumba.

(a consistent schedule)

2. On the days that Renae and I are NOT MEETING to either walk OR do the 20 min. express Zumba workout BY MYSELF.

3. Eat breakfast!!! 
The most "IMPORTANT" meal of the day.

4. Taking VITAMINS!!!  

They say that it takes 21 days to form a habit

These initial goals for my fitness journey are:
Creating healthy habits and improving my quality of life!

Goal 1 - CHECK
I am happy to report that Renae and I have consistently (for 3 weeks now) put on our calendars 4 days each week to meet. And we are doing our work outs!!!

Goal 2 - In Process
I am just getting into the routine of meeting with Renae 4 times a week...So I haven't added walking or doing the Zumba 20 minute Express workout on my own YET!!!  But hopefully I will be able to report NEXT WEEK that I have started to meet this goal!!!

Goal 3 - Doing Better, But Not Where I Want To Be
Eating breakfast was something I ALWAYS used to do when I was single and working because my blood sugar levels are so sensitive.  But since I've been staying home full-time with Charis, my daughter, I have gotten away from eating breakfast.  I got into the habit of eating an "early" lunch at 10am or 11am.  Honestly, I get tired of "breakfast" food and I would heat up leftovers from the night before supper.  

As our fitness journey continues I hope to share some GREAT breakfast recipes (smoothies and great healthy options for breakfast) in the future!!! Stay tuned!  And PLEASE share with US any "Fantastic" breakfast options that YOU are currently eating!!!  Share YOUR KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE with US!!!  Thank you in advance!!!  :0)))  

Goal 4 - CHECK
I am now on Day 22 for taking my Vitamins!!! It's funny that until now I have not taken a multivitamin and I can honestly say it makes a HUGE difference in my energy level for sure!  

A statistic from JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) states:
"Doctors recommend that every adult regardless of age or health status needs a daily multivitamin to fill the nutritional gaps in his or her diet." 

The vitamins I take are AMAZING and they have a "90 Day Challenge" for anyone who would like to try them.  

The Challenge is this:

"Take the vitamins for 90 days, if after 90 days you don't feel a marked difference in your health and energy, the company will refund your money - no questions asked."

Love this company and this challenge!  So I will let you know after I have completed MY "90 Day Challenge"....what the results are!  If you would like information about the vitamins and company...just let me know!

So today I want to encourage you...if you are desiring to "Begin" a fitness journey yourself or to improve your quality of life in some way....

Keep it SIMPLE!!!  

When you begin to meet the goals you've set it FEELS GREAT and you BEGIN TO GAIN CONFIDENCE that you can really do it!!!

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. 
Henry David Thoreau 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Candy Bar Goal


Ok, so I just thought I would report in on my candy bar goal.  My last post I said that my goal was to eat no more than 4 of the "fun size" candy bars each day at work.  I thought this would be easy because when I left work last week the basket was empty...YESSSS!  Of course I'm thinking, this goal will be easy breezy, lemon squeezy.

NOT!- I got to work yesterday and the candy fairy had FILLED IT UP!!!  My favorite candy bar was in there (milky way caramel).  I am happy to report that I have managed to stay within my goal.  I had 4 on Monday, 2 on Tuesday, and I've only had 1 today.


This is just proof...if I can make a small change (ok, a little bigger than small if you knew how many I usually ate) can YOU!!  YOU are a fabulous person.  YOU deserve the best!  Make it happen one small step at a time!

"Spread love everywhere you go.  Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."
Mother Theresa

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wheww...Week Two Complete

Well we did it!  We have made it through Week 2.  

We had a minor set back when my allergies put me out of commission for a couple of days.  I couldn't open my right eye.

 But IIIIII'mm baaaack!  

We have officially moved out of learning the dance steps to actually doing a 20 minute routine.  WOO HOO!  I'm doing the happy dance...go ahead and laugh, you would if you saw me.

Nutritional Challenge Made & Met

I have chosen to keep bottled water in my frig. For whatever reason I drink water better that way.  Since buying it I have managed to drink about 5 bottles a day, which for me, is a MIRACLE!!!  Step one on the nutrition side...done...check that off my list. By the way for those of you who are thinking...all those plastic bottles in the land fill, NOOOO...I do recycle. 

New Nutritional Challenge

The next step will be to eat healthier snacks.  This means laying off the bite size candy bars at work....oooohhhh geeeeze...they call my's starts out as a whisper and then grows louder and louder and LOUDER until is SCREAMING my name.  So tomorrow my goal is to eat no more than four!  I will let you know how I do.  If I don't say anything you will know that I have surrendered to the call of the  milky way caramel a BIG way!

I am also going to start taking a healthy lunch to work with me and to eat all my meals when I am at home.  I do have a nasty habit of not eating when I am at home.  I will go all day and 6:00pm rolls around and I think..geee I am sooo hungry...that's when I realize, well duh, you haven't eaten all day.  Then guess what I do?  Yep...I gorge!  I'm told that's not healthy (said with extreme sarcasim)

I'm also taking vitamins daily...YUCK!  I hate taking any kind of this is a feat for me, but I shall overcome and do what I need to do.  I also know that at my age (I hate saying that, because I don't feel like I'm "older") multivitamins are important

Challenge for You!

Take a small step, make a small change this week.  Is there something you've been wanting to see change in your life?  It doesn't have to be fitness or nutrition.  We all have things that we want to better about ourselves.  Determine what that is for yourself and take that first baby step.  Remember you eat an elephant, one bite at a time.  Start small with a goal that is attainable.  You can't run a marathon on day one, you have to train.  If you want to organize your house...start with a single drawer or closet (a small one).  Then do the happy dance because you are on your way!

No one can make you feel inferior, unless you allow it!
                                                         Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, September 14, 2012

This is Tiffiny - Let me Introduce myself

Hello...My name is Tiffiny Smith and my dear, dear friend Renae Beushausen and I have begun our "fitness journey" together. We are beginning with Zumba and are pretty darn excited about it! 

If you are not familiar with Zumba, it combines Latin and International music with a fun and effective dance workout system.

Our journey began last week, on Monday, 9/3/12.  

During week one, we met four times and learned the foundational 24 steps to the Zumba routines. For me this was quite amusing as I'm not the most "coordinated" in the world.  Renae picks up the steps faster than me, so I would watch her feet and not so much the TV as the instructors feet were backwards to me from the screen!  We made it through ALL the steps and believe me, I still need LOTS of practice but I was quite impressed how fast we are learning.  Now adding the "hips" and "arms"....that is ANOTHER post indeed...but that will come with practice!!!  It will be nice to get there but I am SO enjoying the journey so far!

During week two (this week) we made it through the 20 minute express workout for the first time!!! Woot woot!!! LOVED feeling the burn and sweating!!!  We are meeting four times this week as well and will be doing the 20 minute express workout each time.  

Now on to more personal stuff...

I have to mention how I was first "introduced" to Zumba.  A few years ago my two friends, Candy Siklosi and Sharon Maples invited me to my "first" Zumba class at the James River Church fitness center.  Well it was fun but I said it was "not for me" and I swore I would NEVER do it again.  I couldn't figure out the steps people!!!!  :0))))  So I didn't stick with it back then but things sure seem to come around full circle again huh?!!!  

That is when my friend Renae and I committed to working out together a few short weeks ago and that we would start with Zumba.  

"Oh Zumba, you couldn't leave me alone now could you!!!" 

So "who is Tiffiny"?  Well, I am an "Already Fabulous" woman who has determined to "Get Fit".  

In my single years I had always been very athletic.  I played college volleyball, indoor/outdoor volleyball leagues post college, was an avid walker, for a brief number of years while living in Minneapolis, MN I also was a runner (doing a lot of 5 & 10K runs), I liked to play golf, water ski, down hill ski and overall, I was a pretty active person.  

Then I got married in 2007 to my wonderful husband Russ Smith and very soon after our wedding we got pregnant with our BEAUTIFUL now 4 year old daughter Charis.

That is where the exercising and "being active" stopped for me.  I was very focused with being a first time mommy (and loving it by the way) that I just didn't really think about exercising and taking that cherished "me time" to stay active and in shape.  In fact, as a new parent, being "majorly" sleep deprived and taking care of a new baby...exercise was the LAST thing on my mind! 

I've been blessed to be able to stay home with my daughter Charis since she was born and now that she is going to her last year of Pre-school before entering kindergarten next fall, I have a lot more free time to focus on getting in shape!!!

I made a decision that I need a healthy balance in my life now!  I love being a wife, mother, friend and a woman but it is NOW TIME to achieve a level of fitness and exercise in my life that has been absent for over five years!!!  I never thought that could happen!!!  But it did and I'm OK with that because I can pick back up where I left off...well not as high as intensity of course, but getting back into a routine, staying disciplined and having LOTS of fun during the journey is something I'm VERY EXCITED about!!!

The last thing I'd like to share is that life is "all about" relationships and doing life "together".  So I am THRILLED to be taking this journey with my good friend Renae.  I know for me, it is MUCH easier getting back "into the swing of exercising" when I have someone to do it with me.  Not only do I have to keep "my word" and show up when we have scheduled a workout but it is FUN doing this with someone else!  

So if you would like to join Renae and I in our journey to "GETTING FIT", please continue reading! We will be sharing lots of wellness information and the things we are learning along the way!

Have an AWESOME day!...

And KNOW that YOU TOO are "ALREADY FABULOUS" even if you haven't begun your personal fitness journey yet, or if you are just beginning like Renae and I or if you've been on your fitness journey for awhile now!!!  

It's not what we look like on the outside that make us "Fabulous" it is what is on the inside of us that "Truly" makes us "FABULOUS"!!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Week One - We Survived!!!

We started with a Zumba dvd.  Ok, when I say we started with Zumba, what I mean is, we learned the dance steps.  Last night we actually started a 20 minute program for the first time. WOO HOO!  Nope, we didn't finish, but hey we started...that's something, right?  We got together four times last week and learned the moves.  Don't laugh..or do...but yes it actually took us a week to learn the steps.

We've decided that we are going to start at a slower but steadier pace.  For me, I find that I have a tendency to go all out and full force when I start, but then find that I fizzle quickly.  So this time, we are going with the "slow burn".  Then gradually increase momentum and length.  I will also make incremental changes in my diet until I am at last, where I want to be.

This week my goal is to drink 3 glasses of water a day, and eat breakfast (which I have a tendency to skip, as it requires me to get up earlier).  No big deal you say...weellll, let me tell you for me it is.  I am a tea drinker.  My preference is a unsweet peach tea with extra peach from Sonic. I can drink tea by the gallons.  In fact, as I type this blog I am drinking my beloved drink. So we are going to work on that and start drinking more water.  Will I give up my tea addiction...NEVER...well not completely anyway.  I am willing to concede that I do need to reduce the amount.

I will be posting photos of Tiffiny and myself, hopefully next week.  We want to post our progress as we continue this adventure. I'm also hoping that it holds my feet to the fire, since there might be someone out there who is actually following this blog.  

I hope that being able to see the results will help inspire someone else to make one small change at a time.

Thanks for joining our journey.  Please feel free to leave any comments, or if you need to be encouraged let us know that too.  

Just remember that you may not be fit, or maybe you are, either way, YOU are already FABULOUS!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hello everyone, my name is Renae. My dear friend Tiffiny and I have decided to start a journey together and we invite you along.  Tiffiny and I will both be posting to this blog.  Our reasons for starting may be different, our goals may be different, but will enjoy the ride together.  The name of our blog "Getting Fit, Already Fabulous" well, the name pretty much speaks for it's self.  Though our bodies may not be perfect, or where we want them to be, we are still fabulous women!

 I am a healthy overweight over 40 (barely) woman.  I have come to the end of my rope.  Not necessarily with the weight itself  (not that I won't enjoy loosing it) but with the attitude people in general have with overweight people. My goal is to encourage others, to love themselves wherever they find themselves.  I will be the same me as I loose the weight as I am now.  Will I be happier with the way I look?...well YESSS!  That doesn't mean, that I don't like the me now.  Being content and satisfied with who I am doesn't mean that I don't strive to be a better me. I have not always been fat, but I have been fat most of my adult life.  I have been the same size now for at least 15 years.  I allowed myself to believe I was fat when I was younger until I made it happen.  I believe my thoughts were the foundation of my future.  I saw myself a certain way, that lead me to begin to act on those thoughts and become that way.  My story is mine, and mine alone.  What I believe is about me.  Everyone has there own story to tell.  Don't ever let anyone else tell your story for you!

a little about Renae:
I am currently back in school, In fact I graduate in May and will have three degrees (culinary arts, pastry arts, & hospitality management), then I will continue on to obtain my Bachelor's degree in Business Administration.  I have a passion of cooking for others.  I find that with my own diet, ehh not so much.  This will be one of my first changes.

I come from a large, blended family and I LOVE being an aunt.  I am single, never been married and have no children of my own.  To be honest, when I am ready to have my own children (which it's looking scarce at my age...LOL) I want to adopt.

I love football and enjoy watching hockey...hmmm it seems I have an affinity for rough sports.  I do like other sports but those are the two favorites. 

I work as Grant Administrator for a non-profit and have been with the organization for 7 1/2 years.  I also own an online bakeshop & catering company, and I am a Marketing Executive for an in-home wellness company.  Yes, I am busy, but I like being busy.  However, it is my philosophy that people/relationships should come first. I am blessed so that I can be a blessing to others.

My hope is that I can be an encouragement to someone else.  If my struggle with weight can help someone find hope, then the struggle will have been worth it.  So thanks for joining our journey!