Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wheww...Week Two Complete

Well we did it!  We have made it through Week 2.  

We had a minor set back when my allergies put me out of commission for a couple of days.  I couldn't open my right eye.

 But IIIIII'mm baaaack!  

We have officially moved out of learning the dance steps to actually doing a 20 minute routine.  WOO HOO!  I'm doing the happy dance...go ahead and laugh, you would if you saw me.

Nutritional Challenge Made & Met

I have chosen to keep bottled water in my frig. For whatever reason I drink water better that way.  Since buying it I have managed to drink about 5 bottles a day, which for me, is a MIRACLE!!!  Step one on the nutrition side...done...check that off my list. By the way for those of you who are thinking...all those plastic bottles in the land fill, NOOOO...I do recycle. 

New Nutritional Challenge

The next step will be to eat healthier snacks.  This means laying off the bite size candy bars at work....oooohhhh geeeeze...they call my's starts out as a whisper and then grows louder and louder and LOUDER until is SCREAMING my name.  So tomorrow my goal is to eat no more than four!  I will let you know how I do.  If I don't say anything you will know that I have surrendered to the call of the  milky way caramel a BIG way!

I am also going to start taking a healthy lunch to work with me and to eat all my meals when I am at home.  I do have a nasty habit of not eating when I am at home.  I will go all day and 6:00pm rolls around and I think..geee I am sooo hungry...that's when I realize, well duh, you haven't eaten all day.  Then guess what I do?  Yep...I gorge!  I'm told that's not healthy (said with extreme sarcasim)

I'm also taking vitamins daily...YUCK!  I hate taking any kind of this is a feat for me, but I shall overcome and do what I need to do.  I also know that at my age (I hate saying that, because I don't feel like I'm "older") multivitamins are important

Challenge for You!

Take a small step, make a small change this week.  Is there something you've been wanting to see change in your life?  It doesn't have to be fitness or nutrition.  We all have things that we want to better about ourselves.  Determine what that is for yourself and take that first baby step.  Remember you eat an elephant, one bite at a time.  Start small with a goal that is attainable.  You can't run a marathon on day one, you have to train.  If you want to organize your house...start with a single drawer or closet (a small one).  Then do the happy dance because you are on your way!

No one can make you feel inferior, unless you allow it!
                                                         Eleanor Roosevelt

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