Monday, February 4, 2013

What Motivates YOU?!?!

90-Day Challenge

"In everything the ends well defined 
are the secret to durable success"
 - Victor Cousins

So, I have signed up for a 90-day challenge.  Oh the joys of social media.  A guy that I went to high school with posted a challenge on facebook.  There is a $25 buy in, the winner will get $275.  Is this enough motivation?  I guess we are about to find out.

I also had to actually tell someone my weight.  I don't tell people what I weigh.  He is the only person on the planet (other than myself) that now knows.  It makes me incredibly uncomfortable, but, I did it.  I am really hoping this is the kick in the butt that I need.

So what is it about this that I think is going to motivate me?  Money?  Competitiveness? Wanting to save face?  Not wanting someone to know how big I really am?  For me the big motivator is both money and competitiveness.  I don't like to loose (except the weight of course...HA) and I reeeaaaally hate letting my money go into someone else's hands.

Some people are more simply motivated by encouraging words. I am usually pretty good at motivating myself.  I give myself pep talks, leave myself notes around the house...when it comes to weight loss, my problem is the start.  I seem to have problems getting myself started and going.  Jillian Michaels couldn't even get me moving, her screaming in my face would just cause me to sit my big stubborn butt down, cross my arms and say "hows that working for you Jillian".  Now, once I get started and have been doing it consistently for about a month, I can keep myself motivated to keep doing it.  Of course, it also becomes a habit for me which makes it easier.

So what motivates you?  Seriously, please tell me.  It may help someone else get motivated...or me.

"Winning isn't everything, but wanting to is" 
- Vince Lombardi

I have not been diligent in my healthy yummy recipe search.  I am back on that now...especially if I want to win my money!  I will also work at being more diligent in my blogging.

I have been thinking about what it is that I do or don't do that keeps me from loosing the weight.  I know the do's and don'ts. What is it that I'm doing, or not doing?  I have figured out that my biggest problem is not eating all day.  I will go all day without eating anything, then around 6:00 I am starving and I eat my entire days caloric intake in one sitting, right before bed...NOT GOOD!!!!

"Every ceiling, when reached, becomes a
 floor, upon which one walks as 
a matter of course and prescriptive right"
-Aldous Huxley

It's important to figure why we do or don't succeed.  It can show where we may need to change to find our success.  Not succeeding does not mean you failed.  It just means you found another way that something doesn't work.  Keep going.  Failure comes when you stop trying.  You are fabulous and worth the fight!

"Don't bunt, aim out of the ballpark"
-David Olgilvy