So, I (Renae) didn't do so well last week. That's not to say that I blew it big time. I did NOT, however, exercise, at all! While reflecting on my week, I thought...I had a lot going on. I work two jobs, clean a house, run my own catering and cakes business and go to school. Besides working my two jobs, cleaning job, and school, I had a catering event and a cake to do. My week started off a day short. I went to my sisters in Indiana for a few days. I got home Monday evening. On my way home I received a call to cater a wedding rehearsal dinner for Friday night. Then I had to bake and decorate a cake for Saturday, before work.On a typical day I get up by 7:00 (at the latest), I get ready, then go. I usually get home anywhere between 7:00 and 8:00, then I have to take care of the homework, and housework. When I have caterings I usually don't finish until 11:00 or 12:00.
Now those may seem like excuses to you...well they are. I realized that I stay fairly busy all time. I try to have at least one day a week where I don't have to do a lot. It's important to me that I have at least one day a week to just chill out and decompress. That doesn't mean I haven't done anything but I usually try to get to bed a little earlier that night and I allow myself to chill out and not do much for a couple of hours. This day usually happens on Sunday.
EXCUSES! that's what I had for myself all week. Last week really wasn't any different that any other week. I have got to stop making excuses when things start piling up and I start going non-stop. I have a business that I want to be busy. Right now I'm only doing a 20 minute work out...seriously?!?!?! Can I not manage to fit that into my busy schedule? Sure I can. It's about making it a priority. I haven't really made it a priority or I would have done it. I also found that my water drinking went by the way side when I got super and tea were my sustenance. I did succeed on not eating the entire candy bowl at work. I stayed within my four fun size bar limit. WOOHOO SUCCESS...hey I'll take the joy in success wherever I can!
NO MORE EXCUSES! It is so easy to fall into those old habit's (there is that word again) when things start getting busy, stress starts picking up or when my well laid plans get foiled by a surprise, distraction, or someone else not being able to fall in line with my plans (I mean really, everyone should know that I have a plan and you should just do it my way and make my life easier...pssst...that's a joke). But let's face it, something always comes ups or happens that could easily derail my plans. I have to roll with it and re-arrange the program, NOT KICK IT TO THE WAYSIDE. Just for those of you who don't know me...I'm a planner... I'm also a little OCD (this is a self diagnosis) and when I have a plan of how things should go...I don't like for that plan to change!
These are new HABITS, that I am working on. I knew it wouldn't be easy but I didn't really think about how frustrating it can be!
My challenge to well as myself
(ok...especially myself)
"Mens best successes come
after their dissapointments"
Henry Ward Beecher
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