Monday, September 10, 2012

Week One - We Survived!!!

We started with a Zumba dvd.  Ok, when I say we started with Zumba, what I mean is, we learned the dance steps.  Last night we actually started a 20 minute program for the first time. WOO HOO!  Nope, we didn't finish, but hey we started...that's something, right?  We got together four times last week and learned the moves.  Don't laugh..or do...but yes it actually took us a week to learn the steps.

We've decided that we are going to start at a slower but steadier pace.  For me, I find that I have a tendency to go all out and full force when I start, but then find that I fizzle quickly.  So this time, we are going with the "slow burn".  Then gradually increase momentum and length.  I will also make incremental changes in my diet until I am at last, where I want to be.

This week my goal is to drink 3 glasses of water a day, and eat breakfast (which I have a tendency to skip, as it requires me to get up earlier).  No big deal you say...weellll, let me tell you for me it is.  I am a tea drinker.  My preference is a unsweet peach tea with extra peach from Sonic. I can drink tea by the gallons.  In fact, as I type this blog I am drinking my beloved drink. So we are going to work on that and start drinking more water.  Will I give up my tea addiction...NEVER...well not completely anyway.  I am willing to concede that I do need to reduce the amount.

I will be posting photos of Tiffiny and myself, hopefully next week.  We want to post our progress as we continue this adventure. I'm also hoping that it holds my feet to the fire, since there might be someone out there who is actually following this blog.  

I hope that being able to see the results will help inspire someone else to make one small change at a time.

Thanks for joining our journey.  Please feel free to leave any comments, or if you need to be encouraged let us know that too.  

Just remember that you may not be fit, or maybe you are, either way, YOU are already FABULOUS!

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